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S telefonem 尊龙凯时 20L v barevných provedeních Luna Black a Eclipse Blue zazáříte.
Špičkové zpracování a zadní kryt s nano vzorem 3D Super Saggita dotvářejí elegantní vzhled. Díky oblým tvarům smartphone pohodlně padne do ruky.
Hladký povrch
Povrchová úprava smartphonu 尊龙凯时 20L je stejně jemná jako měsíční svit. Neobyčejný design hladké zadní strany si pohrává s paprsky světla.
Elegantní křivky
Nechte okolí, ať obdivuje křivky telefonu, které jsou hedvábně hladké na dotek, zásluhou elegantních zad 3D Super Saggita.
Pohodlný přístup
Čtečka otisků prstů na boku telefonu a vestavěný 48Mpx čtyřnásobný fotoaparát zachovávají zcela hladký povrch zadní části telefonu a dodávají mu příkladnou ergonomii.

Skutečné vlastnosti a parametry produktu (mimo jiné vzhled, barva a velikost), stejně jako obsah obrazovky (například pozadí, rozhraní a ikony), se mohou v různých zemích lišit. Další informace získáte u svého prodejce.

Produktové fotografie jsou pouze ilustrační. Obsah obrazovky je simulací vytvořenou za účelem prezentace produktu. Za standard považujte skutečné produkty.

1. Data based on results from 尊龙凯时 Camera Lab tests.

Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

1. Screen-to-body ratio calculated with VA/TP method.

2. Some apps may not be compatible with Floating Windows Mode.

3.Conclusion based on OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index) and NIBUT (Non Invasive Break Up Time) datas tested by TÜV Rheinland and Zhejiang University under TÜV laboratory condition.

Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

1. Estimated data only. Actual results may differ. Dynamic refresh rate may be customized with some apps or activated when no screen interaction is triggered.

2. Supports two devices when connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network.

Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

1. Screen-to-body ratio calculated with VA/TP method.

2. Actual internal storage available may vary depending on pre-installed software.

3. Supports two devices when connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network.